Early Childhood Center

Preschool - What Your Child Will Learn

  • Letter Recognition
  • Letter and Sound Connections
  • Days of the Week
  • Months of the Year
  • Counting
  • How to Count Objects Correctly
  • Number Recognition
  • Rhyming

Preschool - What Your Child Will Learn

  • Patterning
  • Grouping and Sorting
  • Comparing and Contrasting
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Birthday
  • Simple Tools
  • Animals

Preschool - What Your Child Will Learn

  • Weather
  • Colors
  • Shapes
  • Beginning Sounds
  • Ending Sounds
  • How to Sound Out Simple Words
  • Fire Safety
  • Healthy Living

Preschool - What Your Child Will Learn

  • New Songs
  • Fine Motor Skills
  • How to Jump Rope
  • How to Skip and Gallop
  • How to Put On and Fasten Their Coats
  • How to Clean Up After Snacks
  • How to Clean Up After Playtime
  • How to Wait Their Turn

Preschool - What Your Child Will Learn

  • How to Sit Quietly and Patiently
  • How to Listen
  • How to Line Up
  • How to Use Paint Brushes and other Art Supplies Properly
  • How to Use Scissors
  • How to Write Their Name
  • How to Behave in a School Setting
  • How to Be Respectful of Other People

Preschool - What Your Child Will Learn

  • How to Forgive
  • How to Be Kind
  • How to Pray
  • That Jesus Loves Them