Our Vision

Hosanna-Tabor is a vibrant, active family of God, centered on His Word and living out the Gospel message.

Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church is a member of

Life at Hosanna-Tabor


What We Believe

Office Hours

Our History

Our Ministries

About Life at Hosanna- Tabor

We gather as Christians each Sunday to worship and praise our God who has given us everything – especially eternal life through Jesus Christ.  Our worship service includes joyful hymns, psalms, scripture readings, special music and inspirational pastoral messages based on God’s word.

Everyone is called to worship our Risen Lord.  Our young people serve in the services as ushers, acolytes and lay readers.  Adults share in the gifts given by God in worship as Christ’s family receives His Word and His forgiveness.  And the children’s sermons are enjoyed by children of all ages!

Special worship services are held during Advent and Lent and on other major Church holidays. 

We gather together to learn more about the God who so loved us that He gave His only Son for us.  Learning opportunities include Sunday School and Bible Classes for all ages.  In addition to the Worship and Learning areas of Church activity we enjoy many Fellowship Activities.  We share with one another so that we may support and strengthen one another as Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

 We invite you to join us in all of the activities and organizations which our Church sponsors.

The Bible teaches us that we need each other:    “Now the body is not made up of one part but of many … If the ear should say, `Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,` it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body.  If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of smell be?… Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it.”                          
 I Corinthians 12:14-27

You are important to us.  If you do not have a Church that you call `home`, why not join us this Sunday?   “Others see only a hopeless end, but the Christian rejoices in an endless hope.”  Come let us rejoice together!

What We Believe

At Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church, we think it is important for all friends in faith to know what we believe. It is all based on the Holy Scriptures, so we hope you will take time to read the Scripture verses that follow each belief.   

We believe that

  • There is only one true God, the triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.   (1 Corinthians 8:4, Matthew 28:19)

  • God has revealed himself to us in the Bible.
    (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
  • Every person has broken God’s commandments and therefore deserves His wrath and eternal punishment. (Romans 3:10-12)
  • God in His mercy sent forth His Son, Jesus Christ, to save lost man.  (John 3:16)

  • Jesus, true man and true God, was crucified, buried and resurrected for our salvation.   (1 Corinthians 15:1-4, 20-21)

  • We receive the benefits of Christ’s redemption through Faith. When one believes that Jesus died and rose again for him, then he is a Christian assured of eternal life.   (John 11:25-26)

  • All of our salvation is by the Grace of God, we cannot earn our way to Heaven.   (Ephesians 2:8-9)
  • We, in response to God’s Grace, ought to live a faith filled life that endeavors to serve and praise the name of Jesus Christ.
     (Ephesians 2:10)

  • We should regularly worship, study and fellowship together as a congregation of believers, both to serve our Lord and strengthen one another.   (Acts 2:42)

  • Finally, the Lord will return on the Last day to claim all true believers as His.   (Matthew 25:31-33)

Who is Jesus and Why is Jesus Important to Me?

Our History

The Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church is a result of an amalgamation of two separate Lutheran Churches on July, 17 1955.

Tabor Lutheran Church was the older of the two congregations. It was organized in 1916 at Beechwood and Milford in Detroit. In 1924, a portabale chapel was dedicated at Tireman and Burnette. Education has always been in the forefront for the Lutheran Chuch, so it was fitting that a four classroom school was built in 1925 and a church dedicated in 1940. These two buildings still stand today. The final building program at that location was guided by the Rev. George P. Hildner. One of his favortie stories was that the congregation quickly decided to build when the platform in front of the altar gave way six inches as he was officiating one Sunday.

Hosanna Lutheran Church was started in August of 1948 as the Rev. Roy G. Pranschke, newly graduated from seminary, began a door to door survey of the area around Plymouth and Inkster Roads. The first service was conducted on October 17th, in the basement of the home of Mr. & Mrs. Norman Twork at 9946 Royal Grand, with seventeen in attendance and one girl in the Sunday School. On March 20, 1949, the congregation moved into its first church on Plymouth Road and Sioux, with dedication May 15th of the same year, with thirty-seven charter members.

When the congregations merged in 1955, worship continued at the Plymouth Road location. Both pastors remained and soon they, with two teachers from Tabor, opened a Christian Day School. As the community grew, so did the church, followed by the construction of the present building. The cornerstone for the initial building was first set in place on February 26, 1956. The first Easter morning Sunrise Servuce, April 1st was held at the Town Drive-In at Telegraph and West Chicago.

Soon after, a sanctuary and a school with three classrooms was dedicated. The acquisition and dedication of a pipe organ followed. In 1962, a used 60 passenger school bus was “purchased” from the South Redford School District for the nominal sum of $1.00. and many necessary repairs were made to put this in use for the new day school. As the congregation grew, so did the school and the need for a newer and larger building. The present church and additional classrooms were dedicated in January of 1970.

Currently the nine rooms house a bible study room/library and rooms for Grade 5 – 8 for Concordia Lutheran School. Concordia Lutheran School is an association school of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod sponsored by Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church and Shadow of the Cross Lutheran Church in Farmington Hills.

Our Location

9600 Leverne
Redford, MI 48239

Tucked away in a suburban neighborhood!

If you drive in South Redford, south on Beech Daly and turn to the west on West Chicago, you will soon recognize this mile as Church Row. However, if you turn right at Leverne, you will see sitting back in this residential and wooded area, the beautiful edifice of Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church.

The cornerstone for the initial building was first set in place on February 26, 1956. Soon after, a sanctuary and a school with three classrooms was dedicated. As the congregation grew, so did the school and the need for a newer and larger building. The present church and additional classrooms were dedicated in January of 1970.