Our Ministries & Activities
Hosanna-Tabor Lutheran Church proclaims Jesus Christ as the risen Lord and Savior. In accordance with the scriptures we reach out and share the message of Christ with the community around us through worship, Christian education and social ministries.
While our primary mission field is our community of Western Wayne County, Michigan, we also reach out to the world around us through various missions efforts. Below is a summary of some of our activities.

Our food pantry (S.H.A.R.E.) provides food to those in need usually on the first Saturday of each month
(schedule may vary).
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Our Quilters Group meets twice during the week (Tue,Thu) to create quilts to be distributed overseas through Lutheran World Relief. More than 3,500 quilts have been donated over the past 30 years.
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Our Men’s Bible Study Group meets monthly the first Saturday of each month.
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Our Women’s Book Club Group meets monthly to read a variety of books, and have a lively discussion on each selection.
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Several times each year, Hosanna-Tabor conducts baby showers and provides financial support to this Christian agency that ministers to and supports women and their unborn children.
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Hosanna-Tabor’s “Dimes for Missions” provides support to the missionary work performed in Asia and the Phillipines

Our church Youth Group regularly participates in church activities and community events, such as our annual Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt and Halloween Trunk or Treat.
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(currently not meeting
due to Covid-19 restrictions)

Our Men’s Group meets regularly for fellowship, fun and service activities, including Men’s Bible Study, church work projects, and community recreational/cultural events.
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(currently not meeting
due to Covid-19 restrictions)

Hosanna-Tabor regularly offers group fellowship opportunities through work to maintain the church grounds. Annual leaf raking and spring cleanup projects offer another way to give of your time and talent.
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